DAI Level 1 Broadsword
Phoenix Theatre Cultural Centre
Instruction by Scott Russell
Phoenix Theatre Cultural Centre
Instruction by Scott Russell

The Poodle Trainer by Meghan McEnery
Franklin College
Directed and Fight Directed by Scott Russell
Intimacy Choreography by Claire Wilcher
Franklin College
Directed and Fight Directed by Scott Russell
Intimacy Choreography by Claire Wilcher

Chekhov for Combat Intensive
Hosted by Southeast Missouri State University
Led by Scott Russell
Hosted by Southeast Missouri State University
Led by Scott Russell

Hamlet by William Shakespeare
First Folio Productions
Directed by Glenn Dobbs
Fight Directed by Scott Russell
First Folio Productions
Directed by Glenn Dobbs
Fight Directed by Scott Russell

The Dingdong by Marc Camoletti, Adapted by Tudor Gates
Directed by Morgan Hicks
Fight Directed by Scott Russell
Directed by Morgan Hicks
Fight Directed by Scott Russell